VCO with series LC

This page pulls together a variety subjects with a focus on an interesting VCO by Louis Vlemincq.   It is found in the EDN magazine article, "Series LC tank VCO breaks tuning-range records,"  EDN, October 20, 2011,  located  here

The slides below are broken into the following topics:

a)  Vlemincq's VCO simulated with Micro-Cap 12 and QucsStudio.

b)  Porting SPICE netlist models to QucsStudio.

c)  Negative resistance with Series and Parallel LC resonators.

d)  Negative incremental resistance history:   the Dynatron vacuum tube, the telephone repeater amplifier of Bell Labs engineer L.A. Meacham, the Lambda diode oscillator.


A Transient Simulation for the series and parallel RLC has been added to the slides below.
