Manchester Encoding
Our TV sits in an open bookshelf set at a 45 degree angle in the corner of the room.
Recently, something got knocked off a lower shelf onto the floor behind. I removed some books, stuck my head in to see behind, and removed several things that had been there for years, including a TV-like remote control. I have often wanted to see what the signal from a remote looks like, so I probed it with my recently acquired oscilloscope.
I fully expected to see a bit stream encoded with Manchester Encoding, named for a technique used in an early computer at the University of Manchester.
The limited digital work I had done in my early experience used an available clock signal to time data, or otherwise synchronize digital logic. I had wondered how things were done when a clock was not available, as when serial data is sent by radio, or by a TV remote control.
Later, I was part of a project with a product that had five switches. The associated 32 possible states were set by a 5-bit serial control word. It was received by wire, but only one wire, and did not have a second wire for a clock signal. The 5-bits were Manchester encoded.
My lowly task was to test the 32 states by sending the control word from a test box (a "bit-box") having 5 toggle switches. I don't remember the bit-box details, but I remember I used one-shots (i.e., a SN74123 integrated circuit), which any true digital designer would scorn. I thought of each individual bit as being a pulse that had one of two possible trigger times, i.e., a pulse then no-pulse for a zero, or no-pulse then a pulse for a zero. The more accepted way is to think of each bit is as a bi-phase signal, i.e., inverted for a zero, or not-inverted for a one.
Regardless of my crude approach for the bit-box, it worked, and life went on. I was left with the lingering thought that Manchester encoding was a clever idea. Now, decades later, came an opportunity to look at the signal in an infrared remote control. The first presentation below shows a Micro-Cap simulation for Manchester using 7400 Series TTL compatible ICs (still available for about 90 cents each) .
Well, the joke's on me. I tested my remote and discovered it is not Manchester or bi-phase encoded, but instead uses Pulse Width Modulation. This means the zero and one bits are not of equal time length, and so a word with more zeros is shorter than a word with more ones. My first thought was, "How distasteful." But then I thought, "Well, it's like Morse Code, the zero is a 'dit', and the one is a 'dah' ." I feel much better, now.
See the 2015 EDN article "IR Remote Control Basics" available here .
Also related:
Wikipedia: Consumer IR
Wikipedia: RC-5
"Infrared Remote Controller Knowledge Base", May 2021, by Holtek Semiconductor available here .