Fidelitone and Fono-Twin

Before I was born and until I was 10 years old, Dad's side hustle was building and selling a portable dual turntable  for playing music records to accompany home movies.  His original product name was Fidelitone.  The company Permo Inc. insisted the name belonged to them, but Dad pointed out magazine advertisements showing an earlier use of the name.  They came to an arrangement resulting in a check  which paid for the lot to build his house at 2515 Novato Place in Palos Verdes and a new name for his dual turntable, Fono-Twin.

A tribute, much nicer than I could produce,  has been posted by Greg Carr on The Ancient Mix Master page  here 

The Made in Chicago Museum web site has an interesting history of Permo Inc. and their Fidelitone phonograph needles here

I was able to purchase  through ebay both a Fideltone and a Fono-Twin turntable.    I think shipping might have been the major cost.