For Happy Hearts
In the 1940s, my parents started a family which grew to six children. Mother chose a grace we would say together before meals, which we continued to use as we raised our own families. Years later, in those rare times we siblings were together, hearing these words renewed the bond formed in childhood.
I never knew anyone else who used the prayer. I didn't know its origin, until the arrival of the internet and Google searches. How exciting it was to discover the 1941 book by Emilie Fendall Johnson, A Little Book of Prayers, and its drawings by Maud and Miska Petersham.
Mother was fond of letting us know she changed one word in the prayer. As she was the one who prepared the meals, she naturally saw the need to change "this our food" to "this good food". And so, that's the way we learned it.
See the following four slides.