
How it started...

When I was  9 years old, I was given a Heathkit SK-50 from the Heath Company Electronic Workshop education series (as pictured below).    When I was 10, I was given the Heathkit model EK-2 broadcast and shortwave radio to assemble.

Over the next half dozen years, Dad allowed me to build kits he needed, the Mohican general coverage receiver, a vacuum tube voltmeter, and an RF signal generator come to mind.

The cover photo below is from Radio Electronics, June 1961.  The cover story by Larry Steckler begins, " 'How can I prepare my child for today's electronic world?'  Thanks to a number of electronic kit manufacturers, you can find out if your child has an interest in, and aptitude for, electronics.   If he is interested, these kits indicate and develop that interest."

It probably didn't indicate much aptitude, but it certainly spurred my interest.   I have been making trouble ever since.

Thanks goes to worldradiohistory.com for the archived issue Radio Electronics.